Agenda of

the Webinar

Introducing ChatGPT to the Staffing Industry - Boosting Recruitment with AI

I. The Staffing Industry Landscape and Recruitment Challenges

  • An overview of the staffing industry and recruitment challenges
  • Discuss current staffing methods and their limitations
  • Highlight the benefits of incorporating AI into staffing

II. Understanding ChatGPT

  • Explanation of what is ChatGPT
  • Brief overview of how it works and how it can assist staffing companies

III. Boosting Staffing with AI

  • Specific ways AI can boost staffing

IV. Best Practices for Using AI in Staffing

  • Discussion of best practices when implementing ChatGPT and other AI methods
  • Tips on integrating AI into existing staffing processes

V. Future of AI in Staffing

  • Discussion of how AI is evolving in the staffing industry


Duration: 25 minutes

Hosted by:

Helge Bjorland, CEO at 
Katarina Marais, Head of Marketing at

Group 395938
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📍Published: 19 March 2023.   

Introducing ChatGPT to the Staffing Industry

Are you struggling to connect with all your candidates at scale? Unleash the power of AI Staffing and activate your whole database.

Group 49


📍Published: 9 March 2023

Staffing 2.0: How AI is Transforming the Staffing Industry and Boosting Efficiency

"The most forward-looking players in the staffing, recruiting, and workforce solutions industry benefit from technology solutions that enhance. 

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